Monday, March 9, 2020

Lirik ANALOGKID - Waiting The Sun Goes Down

Lirik Lagu "Waiting The Sun Goes Down" - ANALOGKID

Waiting the sun goes down (3x)

Don’t go please stay with me
And you will see what I feel
Hey belle
please look at me
I’m the one that supposed to be

You’re the sun
You keep me warm
When I’m cold and feel lonely
You’re the bloodstream that keeps me alive
Coz in your eyes
I see the glitter
Of hope that surrounds by
Thousands memory
Of our delight

Waiting the sun goes down

Don’t go
please stay with me
And you will see what I feel
Hey belle
please look at me
I’m the one that supposed to be

Look up the sky It won’t be good anymore
Without the stars that lit up in every night
Don’t tell me I’m wrong…
Don’t tell me I’m wrong…

You and I, we rule the world
As we standing on a bridge
And looking down the street
And waiting the sun goes down

Waiting the sun goes down

Audio/ Video: ANALOGKID - Waiting The Sun Goes Down

Disclaimer: Muzik video dan lirik lagu ANALOGKID - Waiting The Sun Goes Down yang disediakan di blog ini adalah hakcipta/hakmilik dari pengarang, artis, dan label musik yang bersangkutan. Seluruh media, termasuk lirik lagu serta video klip ANALOGKID - Waiting The Sun Goes Down yang tersedia di situs ini hanyalah untuk keperluan promosi dan evaluasi. Kami juga tidak menyediakan file MP3 di server kami.

Jika Anda suka dengan Lirik lagu ANALOGKID - Waiting The Sun Goes Down, dan video klip nya, belilah kaset / CD / DVD, mp3 karaoke atau kode nada sambung pribadi (NSP/RBT)-nya untuk mendukung artis yang bersangkutan.

**** Music video and lyrics of the song ANALOGKID - Waiting The Sun Goes Down provided on this blog is copyright / ownership of the authors, artists and music labels are concerned. Entire media, including the lyrics of the song and video clip ANALOGKID - Waiting The Sun Goes Down is available on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes. We also do not provide MP3 files on our server.

If you like the song ANALOGKID - Waiting The Sun Goes Down lyrics and the video clips, buy a cassette / CD / DVD, mp3 karaoke or code personal dial tone (NSP / RBT) to support the artist. ****